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  • +91 9009008745

Some Facts About

Neck Pain

Neck pain is the discomfort in or around the cervical spine, which is located beneath the head. Neck pain is a frequent sign of several ailments and disorders. There is Increased sensitivity to even mild pressure applied to the neck. Very often, the underlying reason is the same as lower back pain. It is more common in elderly people, but with the advent of mobile phones it has become very prevalent in adolescents and young adults also. Almost 30% to 50% of adults have neck pain sometime in a year. And 50-85% of them do not completely recover from their symptoms, and others may develop chronic, debilitating pain.

You need Praanaa Non-surgical Treatment when

  • You have Weakness, Instability, Swelling and Stiff Neck.
  • You are having neck pain or if your doctor advised a neck pain surgery
  • You are taking pain killers for neck pain relief
  • You visiting multiple doctors hopelessly for pain relief
  • You are wasting hours at physiotherapy center

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Why Praanaa Non-Surgical treatment ?

  • Procedures done under precise ultrasound guidance and C-Arm with laser precision
  • Highly Successful Advanced Techniques like RF Ablation, Prolotherapy, Nerve root Blocks are used.
  • Same Day Discharge
  • Cost effective compared to Surgery
  • No side effects
  • Immediate & Lasting Pain Relief
  • Our patient happiness quotient is above 90%
  • We are an exclusive pain clinic. We don't treat anything other than pain conditions.

Common Causes of Neck Pain

Muscle strain or ligament sprains: The most common reason for pain in your neck, neck strain, or neck sprain is due to poor posture, a wrong sleeping position, jerking your neck when working out or simply a long car drive or continuous on disk without changing positions. People also call it simply a Pulled Neck

Muscle spasms: A painful disease known as muscular spasm causes your neck muscles to contract uncontrollably, forcing your head to twist or turn to one side.

Osteoarthritis in the Neck

Also called Cervical Spondylosis, it is a condition that affects the bones, discs, and joints in the neck. The cervical spine's discs gradually deteriorate, lose fluid, and stiffen as we age. These alterations are caused due to typical wear and tear due to age.

Fibromyalgia: Widespread pain throughout the body, more so in the neck region and sometimes in the back too. The body has sensitive-to-touch sites that can radiate discomfort to other areas of the body, including both sides of the neck.

Spinal stenosis: When the spinal column narrows, pressure is put on the spinal cord or the nerve roots as they leave the vertebrae, resulting in spinal stenosis. Stenosis could result from chronic inflammation brought on by illnesses like arthritis, disc bulge, etc.

Herniated (bulging) disk cervical spine: The rubbery discs between the vertebrae in the spine are composed of a softer inside (nucleus) and a more robust outer side (annulus). When a section of the nucleus pushes through a tear in the annulus, the result is a herniated disc that seldom causes extreme Neck pain but can also radiate pain down the arm and hands.

Injuries: Many patients have pain conditions due to old injuries. Several complications develop in due course of time, and pain in the neck region may persist if untreated.

Infections/Diseases: Meningitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer are other causes of chronic or acute Neck pain

How Neck Pain Effects The Body

When it comes to daily activities like getting dressed, driving or sleeping, neck pain can range from being slight and easily ignored to being severe and interfering with such activities. A stiff neck and a decreased range of motion can occasionally result from neck pain. All the above conditions may restrict your daily activities, forcing you to take ample bed rest and use neck belts or supports, which hampers your overall body’s performance and posture.

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Why people still suffer in pain having these options ?

Let us now talk about what options you have when you are suffering from any of the above types of Neck Pain conditions


People get relief by taking acetaminophen (like Anacin, Panadol, Tylenol) or Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Aspirin or Ibuprofen (like Advil, Motrin), or Naproxen (Aleve, Anaprox, Naprosyn). But remember, all these can cause rebound headaches which can be challenging to treat. And long-term usage affects kidneys and liver.


For many pain conditions, surgery becomes necessary. However, there are several side effects, and potential complications associated with surgery. With the advancement in medical fields, there is more focus on avoiding surgeries especially for elderly people.


Many neurologists suggest these types of pills. But be aware, these can be seriously habit-forming, and if you use them indiscriminately, they can be hard to leave.


This category of medicines, though prescribed by some physicians, also have a short-term symptomatic relief, but used alone for long time may still not address the underlying cause.


Many patients choose to have their own choice of easily available at home remedies like doing slow range of motion exercises; using ice/heat packs on affected area of Back; having massage; or else sleeping on a firm ground or using stiff mattress or pillow. While these natural things can be better than taking medicines, they still don’t cure you of the root cause, but merely focus on giving you temporary relief.


While Physiotherapy techniques like TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) and IFT (Interferential therapy) alone may help in treating myofascial pains. But it is more effective if the underlying condition is addressed medically followed by physiotherapy and rehabilitation.


Avoiding headache triggers: Avoid the things that trigger your headaches if you are mindful of them, such as avoid skipping meals, caffeine, alcohol, or loud noise.


Thin needles are inserted into the body at particular areas in an effort to reduce pain in the affected area of Back. While these can be beneficial for some, but you need 5 to 8 weeks of sessions. These too may give you temporary relief only.


By assisting you in managing your stress, hypnosis, deep breathing, visualization, meditation, and yoga may all help you feel better. For tension headaches, it might be especially beneficial. Additionally, hypnosis may lessen your pain perception.

What We Do

All the above-mentioned techniques to handle headaches are age-old practices, but patients still suffer. They come to us to have a permanent solution to their pain. So the question arises – is there any new medical treatment to have a long-lasting effect for the pain conditions? First of all, PRAANAA PAIN CLINIC is an exclusive Pain Clinic. We treat nothing but pain. At PRAANAA PAIN CLINIC, we have highly qualified doctors, state-of-the-art infrastructure and amazing helpful physiotherapists and qualified staff to give you the utmost care. Let’s look at how we handle your pain conditions.


Of course, the magic starts not before you book an appointment with us. You can click here to book an appointment.


One of our qualified doctors will discuss your condition & history to assess your possible pain relief solutions. These consultations are in-depth, where the doctors understands the symptoms, examine the patient and if necessary carries out investigations to diagnose the root cause and offer treatment options.


We scan the affected area and get a confirmation with a scan. This includes X-rays, CT scan, MRI scan and Ultrasound Scans.


We determine the principal root cause of the pain and recognise the exact trigger point of the pain.


We explain to you various treatment options ideal for your condition. There is a one-to-one session informing you about which line of treatment we need to carry out, the durations of the procedures (if needed) and costs involved.


Depending on the duration and severity of your condition, we may advise you of certain medications and/or procedures and therapies. We may start you on Anti-Neuropathic Agents or Muscle relaxants. Depending on the severity of your conditions, we may also opt for peripheral Nerve Blocks.


Post Procedure our trained Physiotherapists and/or Physical fitness coaches will help you recover. Our seasoned Physiotherapists, Dieticians and Trainers provide a holistic approach for a radiant and pain free life.

Please be noted, that any pain treatment we undertake is basically non-surgical and enables you to be discharged the same day. However, some patients may require more than one procedure for which they need several visits/sittings. Also we have a day care unit where after the procedures, you will be monitored for an hour or two. This also enables us to keep you under observation for some time.

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